Sunday, December 27, 2009


Well, after that spectacular last post, which made absolutely no sense, i'm going to talk about some cool things that happened. First- i got to talk to my brother! hip hip hooray. That was exciting. Second-Christmas! Huzzah... new socks, new mp3 player, all that good stuff. Third- I went to the Getty! Amazing things there. I'd say my favorite painting there was Mars, by the Circle of Stradanus. Great picture, had the God of War with a pike, a sword, no clothes but a little drape over his groin, and a spectacular handlebar mustache. Amazing!

So, I'm considering doing the L. Ron Hubbard writing contest... I could probably own, pwn, and smash any competition (blatant but hopeful lies), I just need an idea... It'll come to me eventually, but a little idea can go a long way with me, so... yeah? You all love me, and want to help me, right?


1 comment:

  1. Pirates, ninjas, dragons, knights, storms, a magic mythical stone or sword, kidnaping of a royal causing a War of the Ages!!! That's about all I got. :)

