So, a lot (all) of you know I was depressedededed for a while, even to the point of hackinginginginging at me own body. Using advancededededd scientificicic procedure(rererere)s, I have isolatededededd the time of said depression(onononononon). (Okay, okay, I'll stop the repetition of the last syllable(blebleble). Grumble.) I have discovered that I was SUPERdepressed from the months of November to February, and then I became slightly better inside.
Also, I have tried isolating(inging) the events that may have caused this.
1. Fell in love with girl, jumped out of love with girl. *thank god for that (sorry Sarah, but dear lord, that was a nightmare)*
2. Ate a lot? no, I do that all the time.
3. Cross country ended, swimming began.
WAIT! hold that thought.
3. Cross country ended in November.
Swimming began in February. (How the hell do you spell that? o_O)
During the intermediate time, i did NO physical activity (tivitvitvity).
Once swim season began, I began working out (like a beast).
I became happier! :D>

RESEARCH (chchch? no, forget that):
So, according to the above sites, exercise can vastly help depression.
Since I was never depressed before, and I have always lived a healthy lifestyle, the converse is true, I'm assuming.
NOT exercising will cause depression.
Weelll, not exercising when living a healthy lifestyle. It makes sense if you think about it.
Eat right + exercise = happy!
Love, Aaron the Mighty
Happy easter! Couple of pics I found that you might enjoy!

No prob. Aaron, the feeling is mutual-and i am so glad that you are liking life again. I so sorry that I contributed towards your pain. Please forgive me.
ReplyDeleteI could do the emo thing I do where I draw out the o for about two minutes, but I don't feel like it.
ReplyDeleteExercise really does help depression.
ReplyDeleteFor me, that and dancing are the two things that keep me sane (well, sort of).