Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Alright here.

So the way to eternal glory is through obeying all the commandments, right?

"No," says the Viking, "it is through dying in battle and all others go to Hel."

"No," says the Ancient Greek, "it is through becoming a god or there is no afterlife."

"No," says the Ancient Egyptian, "it is through the judgement of Osiris and the unrighteous are eaten."

"No," says the Jew, "it is by obeying God and the Torah and the others will go to Hell."

"No," says the Catholic, "it is by obeying Jesus Christ and our Pope and our Bible only, and those who don't will go to Hell."

"No," say the various Protestants, "it is by obeying our Bible, and others will be judged accordingly."

"No," says the Muslim, "it is through Allah and the Qu'ran and the others will go to Hell."

"No," says the Scientologist, "it is through auditing that you will become immortal and the others lose their immortality."

"No," says the Fundamentalist, "it is to give everything for my God, and all who don't believe will be killed!"

"No," says the atheist, "there is nothing out there! There is no God! I am an enlightened individual and you are crawling in the dark, with your pathetic religions!"

"Oh," say all of them. "If you leave our church, you go to Hell." (except the atheist, the viking, and the scientologist)

So, my thought here is that they all sound absolutely whack.

I'm serious here. I am so ... uhhh about religion. It makes no sense to me. Neither does atheism. I'm like lost in this sea of insanity. I can't believe in God, because He's not exactly clear which one he is.

Any thoughts? Please comment... I'm so lost.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone.


1 comment:

  1. You don't have to choose a certain God or certain Gods or believe in a set religion. To be honest, how could anyone. There is most likely higher beings or one higher being that controls it all but it is not know. There is so little that we actually know about greater beings and how everything after death works.
    Religions all are right in some aspects and to be honest to truly depends on the person to know which religion is best for them.
    Look at your values and what you truly believe in as right and wrong and what is important and what is not. Then think about which religion most agrees and if none do then just take solace in the idea that there is a higher power that knows you exist and knows what you believe that will take care of you in passing. If you do not find that comforting then know that you are not alone in your search for God or religion, there are so many out there feeling just like this.
    Also don't forget that whether or not God or religion is in your life you are not alone and people in this world care about and love you.

