Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hey, a new post

I figured someone out there reads this every once in a while. So, hello, what's up, everybody? I really got nothing to say really... I find myself going insane from being trapped in this rathole with my parents and my brother and I need to get out more. But, I have some time on my hands, so I'm going to write you all a story! Comment below to tell what kind of story you'd like and I will not listen to you whatsoever! Just kidding, I'll pay attention. You have 48 hours, after which I will come back and write you all a nice story, yes? If you want, I can put your names in it, although Magechill, you'll have to tell me your real name...

I love you.

Aaron the Omnipotent Destroyer of Worlds and Devourer of Men

