Sunday, January 24, 2010

You maniacs.


I feel like killing myself. Everything is so ridiculously screwed up right now...

1. My parents are NAZIS, and expect so much from me, and practically kill me if I don't deliver.
2. My brother is ridiculously overdramatic and has an inflated sense of self-importance.
3. My other brother is a self-righteous zealot, thankfully, though, he's on a mission and I won't be seeing him till October.
4. I hate myself and every little thing I do to dig myself deeper into this hellhole I've made.
5. I got dumped by someone I'm not going out with.
6. I've tried prayer, but God really never did a thing for me.
7. I get the sense that God does exist, but he just put us on this earth to laugh his head off at our misery.
8. I've been sick for three gorramn weeks now.
9. I have to live with my family for 4 more years.
10. There is no escaping morons at school who deserve death.
11. I feel like no loving God would have made something like me, and that by Darwin's theory of natural selection, I should be dead. I'm a genetic mistake.

Then, there's this:

I'm hearing voices.

They tell me to hurt myself and other people. I'm so scared of myself right now, I think it's a good idea for me to die and never worry other people again... am I right?


  1. Ignore, or hit people with heated backlash. It's worked for me a lot.(Considering my parental situation is a lot worse, and school.)

  2. WTHECK?!!!! NO! Do NOT do anything retarded Aaron please.

  3. Aaron!
    1. Stop being a whiny bitch. Your life doesn't suck that bad.
    2. It'll all get a thousand times better.
    3. I love you like crazy, and it sucks to see you go through this. I'm sorry.
    4. Jesus loves you.

